Residential and Economic Relocation Packages and Website Should include the Following Information
- Annual community
events calendar (and/or online events calendar)
- Banking
- Childcare
services or facilities
- Climate
- Community
- Beaches
- Parks
- Walking or bike trails
- Community history
- Community service
- Economic
Profile of the community and/or region
- Population/Demographics/Income
- Business climate and support services
- Business Directory
- Education
- Play schools
- Public, Private and Separate Schools
(K – 12), location, grades, contact information
- Adult education
facilities and opportunities
- Emergency Services
- Police
- Fire
- Ambulance
- Crisis Centers
- Employment Services
- Health and Wellnes Services
- Housing
- Senior housing
- Assisted living
- Rental Accommodations
- Market housing (Realtors)
- List of important websites
- Community Website
- Economic Development Sites
- Chamber of Commerce
- Immigrant and/or Newcomer Services
- Maps
- Street Map
- Area Map
- Recreation Area Map
- Media
- Newspapers
- Radio
- Cable or Satalite Services
- Internet Services
- Muncipal
- Municipal contact information, hours
of operation, etc.
- Services (garbage pickup, etc.)
- Recreation facilities
- Library
- Taxes,
utility fees, licensing of dogs, etc.
- Information on neighbourhoods
- Places of Worship
- Promotional
- Recreation Activities
- Sporting Clubs or Groups
- Parks
- Shopping
- Transportation
- Roads
- Distance to major centres
- Air
- Taxi service
- Bussing
- Youth groups
*Customized packages for health care professionals, industry, etc.
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